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Hi there,


Welcome to my website. My name is Dee and I am passionate about empowering people to breakthrough their limiting beliefs, discover their inner greatness and be the best they possibly can. As a Life Coach I help people to overcome the self-sabotaging habits that are preventing them from leading the life they truly deserve.


My main areas of expertise and interests are; Positive Psychology, Law of Attraction, Belief Empowerment, Emotional Intelligence and the sub-conscious mindI am also  an NLP practitioner and Holistic Therapist. 


As a teacher of English and PSHE I developed a passion for empowering students to step out of their comfort zone and be the best they could possibly be.


Although I enjoyed the experience of encouraging  pupils to aspire and achieve, what I do now is even more in alignment with my ultimate philosophy and vision for the world.


I believe that people have everything they need within them to achieve an amazing and fulfilled life. The only thing that prevents a person from doing so, is their limiting beliefs and the stories they tell themselves about their lives and the world.


It was my experience of working as a Behaviour Management Teacher, that first gave me an insight into the perplexities of human nature and  'why people do the things that they do.'  


Many aspects of teaching really made my heart sing - especially seeing students overcoming obstacles and taking steps towards what they really wanted to achieve. On the other hand, I realised that the reason so many pupils were not achieving their full potential was that there was very little attention being given to their deep rooted emotional needs.


Realising that so many young people had become disillusioned, disaffected and disconnected became a matter of great concern for me. I began to question the effectiveness of traditional educational methods including the emphasis often placed upon the value of IQ as opposed to EQ [Emotional Intelligence] I knew for sure that until the young persons' emotional needs had been addressed, their performance would never be a reflection of their true potential.


I began to think about all the unfulfilled people in the world who, because they don't feel valued or listened to, resort to unhealthy, unsociable and even extreme actions as a way of dealing with life. 


Something inside me began to stir  .  .    


I became passionately interested in and did much research into many areas including Neuro Science,, Emotional Intelligence, Spirituality the Power of Beliefs and Holistic Therapy.


I discovered the Law of Attraction  and  many amazing truths about the mystery of the Universe and how life really works. It marked the beginning of my exciting journey into the world of Personal Development and ongoing Self Discovery.



I am determined to 'wake up and shake up  the world' to the fact that by changing their thoughts people  can change their lives and by changing their lives they can impact the world .


See what I can do for you here.



dee harding

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